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Revision as of 08:52, 2 February 2024 by Powh (talk | contribs)
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Yaks love the mountains and are commonly found in snowy slopes, frozen peaks, meadows, and extreme hills. They eat wheat and are another source of milk! But be careful; they will get scared and attack you if they get hurt!



A Yak has 80 health points.

Attack Damage

A Yak deals 12 attack damage.


The hitbox of a Yak is 1.9 blocks high and 1.2 blocks wide.


When an adult Yak is killed, it can drop the following items:



The Bison can be found in the following biomes:

  • Snowy Slopes
  • Frozen Peaks
  • Meadow
  • Extreme Hills


The following items can be used to breed Yaks:


A Yak is usually friendly to players, but when it has been damaged recently, it will turn hostile for 1-2 minutes. Yaks can also be milked.

Because of their size and weight, Yaks will break the following blocks when walking into them:

  • Bamboo
  • Bamboo Sapling
  • Beetroot
  • Brown Mushroom
  • Carrots
  • Carved Pumpkin
  • Chorus Flower
  • Chorus Plant
  • Dead Bush
  • Double Plant
  • Flowers
  • Grass
  • Leaves
  • Jack O' Lantern
  • Melon Block
  • Melon Stem
  • Potatoes
  • Pumpkin
  • Pumpkin Stem
  • Red Mushroom
  • Crimson Fungus
  • Warped Fungus
  • Saplings
  • Sugar Cane
  • Sweet Berry Bush
  • Top Snow
  • Turtle Egg
  • Vine
  • Waterlily
  • Wheat