Station Markers

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Station markers can be placed directly below straight rails to serve as stopping points along your railway. You can interact with them to set 0-4 notches. The number of notches dictates how long the engine stops for with no notches meaning the engine will not stop.

1 notch = 5 seconds

2 notches = 10 seconds

Notches Seconds
1 Notches 5 Seconds
2 Notches 10 Seconds
3 Notches 20 Seconds
4 Notches 1 Minute

An observer can be used to detect when an engine pulls in or out of a station. If a station market is powered then engines will stop at it indefinitely.



To craft place three cobblestone on the bottom row, with three redstone in the middle row, and then an observer in the top center, with redstone dust on both the top right and top left.

Materials Crafting Recipe
Iron Ingot, Cobblestone, Redstone Dust, Observer